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Advantages of Bioclear San Francisco

Black Couple speaking with Dentist about Advantages of Bioclear San Francisco Dental Arts When restoring or enhancing natural teeth there are a few different solutions. There are filling materials such as amalgam or composite. There are coverings including veneers, inlays, and onlays. Bioclear is an additional option that combines the speed of composite filling and the strength of a veneer with less interference to the tooth. Using a resin material, similar to composite, we fill a mylar mold that we create just prior to treatment. The end result is a customized repair that is stronger and will last longer completed in just one visit. At San Francisco Dental Arts, we can help you have a beautiful, strong restoration.

There are many advantages that come with Bioclear restorations. They include:

•  Completed in One Office Visit: Having a prosthetic, such as a veneer or crown, fabricated takes time. We can create a mold and fill it in just one office visit saving you time in the chair.
•  Minimally Invasive: Dental Bioclear veneers and crowns require a reduction in the size of the natural tooth. This can be a dramatic, and unnecessary, alteration. In general, doing less when possible is always best. The Bioclear system allows us to remove only the damaged or diseased portion of the tooth before treatment can be applied.
•  Less Costly: Bioclear is a cosmetic enhancement that does take a professional eye, but we do not need to source out to a lab for the milling and fabrication of a veneer or crown, meaning the cost is less.
•  Better for Your Oral Health: Bioclear is better for your oral health both immediately and for the long term. This is because we are able to keep much of the natural tooth enamel intact, and the Bioclear resin material has been shown to hold up much better than composite in long-term studies.
•  Better for Dental Bonding: Dental bonding is a simple treatment that allows us to make repairs to your teeth generally using composite material. We can provide this same dental bonding repair using Bioclear providing you better long-lasting results.
•  Stain Resistant: Composite material can be a wonderful material that we are able to shade to match your teeth, but with time, it can become stained. Bioclear has been shown to have more stain-resistant properties than composite material.
•  Incredible Results: We can help you have a professional-looking smile faster and easier than with other methods including veneers.

Placing Bioclear

We begin with preparing the area ensuring that it is clean and free of infection. We then use a mylar material to form a customized mold of the tooth with adjustments to improve the bite or look of the tooth. The mold is then filled with a strong resin material. The material is then cured using blue laser light. We will check the bite to ensure it is correct. The material is then shaped and polished to enhance and elevate the look to match your smile. The result is a beautiful tooth that should last you many years. We will check on its status at all future checkup appointments.

If you are interested in Bioclear, give San Francisco Dental Arts a call at 415-854-9396 to schedule an appointment for your restoration treatment.

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Advantages of Bioclear • San Francisco Dental Arts • Dentist
San Francisco Dental Arts, can help you have a beautiful, strong restoration with Bioclear. Click here to learn more about the advantages that come with Bioclear.
San Francisco Dental Arts, 220 Montgomery St Ste. 825, San Francisco, CA 94104 + 415-854-9396 + + 10/8/2024 + Key Phrases: dentist San Francisco CA +