Even though you may carefully look after your teeth by brushing them at least twice daily, flossing on a regular basis, and even going in to be checked by a dentist, white spots may still appear on the surface of your teeth. There are many reasons why this could occur, and it is important to understand your specific cause in order to effectively treat them.
Potential Causes
Demineralization creates white spots that are made up of decalcified parts of your tooth enamel. This is due to a prolonged build-up of bacteria in your mouth which results in the loss of minerals from your tooth.
Enamel hypoplasia is a medical condition that is defined by flaws in the thickness and overall quality of your enamel. It can be brought about by numerous factors such as smoking while pregnant, malnutrition, or abnormally high fever brought about by ailments. Individuals with these white spots may be susceptible to sensitivity and tooth decay, especially where the spots are located.
Fluorosis is a common condition, especially in kids, that comes about when one is exposed to high levels of fluoride. Although fluoride provides our teeth with numerous benefits, too much of the mineral can discolor the teeth. Potential sources of elevated fluoride source include taking tap water and ingesting toothpaste and supplementing with fluoride.
Treatment Options.
Id demineralization is what is causing your white spots, the treatment would require you to improve your dental hygiene including frequent brushing of the teeth along with other recommendations.
If our team of dentists discovers that you have Turner's tooth then professional tooth cleaning can be done to remove them. However, this is not necessary since the white spots can be left alone if they are not causing tooth decay.
The effects of fluorosis are not severe and the condition can be treated by reducing your intake of fluoride. You can do this by using smaller amounts of toothpaste and ingesting bottled water. We can conduct an examination of your teeth at our dental practiced, to find out the cause of the discoloration of your teeth, and offer you a detailed treatment plan. Call us at our offices to schedule an appointment.
San Francisco Dental Arts, 220 Montgomery St Ste. 825, San Francisco, CA 94104 ^ 415-854-9396 ^ thesfdentist.com ^ 3/1/2025 ^ Tags: dentist San Francisco CA ^