If you have seasonal allergies, you might experience great discomfort. Simple triggers like blooming flowers, budding trees, or the smell of gas can leave you feeling dizzy and stuffed up. There are several symptoms of allergies; some of them include itchy eyes, sneezing, and scratchy throat, among others. Allergies can also result in various oral problems that cause great discomfort. Here are ways that allergies can affect your oral health.
Tooth Pain
Allergies can cause severe toothaches. You will feel a sharp pain, especially in your molars. This is because seasonal allergies affect the maxillary sinuses, leading to pressure and congestion in them. As a result of the congestion, you will feel discomfort in your head and some parts of your face. There will also be great discomfort on the roots of your teeth. This is because the roots of your molars are located near the sinuses. The pressure exerted on your head and face is the same one exerted on those roots. The result will be a sharp pain and inflammation in your upper molars.
Dry Mouth
If you are allergic to breathing in pollinated air, you will resort to breathing through your mouth more often. Whether your sinuses are completely closed off, or you are experiencing a runny nose, breathing through your mouth could be the only option. As much as this might seem okay, it is not good for your oral health. This is because it leads to a dry mouth, a condition ideal for the formation of dental cavities.
If you are suffering from any allergic reactions, it is important to have it treated. You should also come for dental checks to examine any damages that allergies might have caused. Visit our offices if you suspect that allergies are affecting your dental health.
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