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Can I Keep My Wisdom Teeth?

Posted on 8/22/2022 by San Francisco Dental Arts
Can I Keep My Wisdom Teeth?When wisdom teeth are growing, they can be very uncomfortable as they cause pain. Due to this, some people prefer extracting them, especially when they begin to grow facing other directions. This is because it becomes hard to clean them, which means they can lead to oral infections. However, research shows that it is possible to keep wisdom teeth if they are not causing any dental issues and it is easy to clean them.

Why Do People Prefer to Extract Wisdom Teeth?

As much as wisdom teeth help prevent nearby teeth from shifting, they can come with various oral issues. This is why many people prefer to remove them to eliminate tooth damage, gum infections, overcrowding, jaw damage, and facial pain. When you have a small jaw, the wisdom teeth can make your jaw ache due to the overcrowding it is causing. Another thing is that the overcrowding caused by your wisdom teeth can make it hard for you to clean in between your teeth, causing tooth decay and cavities.

When Can You Keep Your Wisdom Teeth

It is possible to keep your wisdom teeth, but so many factors will determine if it is a good idea to have them. One of the most common ones is cleanability. Are you able to clean your wisdom teeth effectively? If so, it is okay to keep them since there will be no risk of getting periodontal disease. However, if you cannot clean them well, then it may be better to get them removed. Another factor is the size of your wisdom teeth. If it is too big, it may cause pain and jaw problems. Also, if you have a history of gum disease, it is better to remove the wisdom teeth to keep your gums healthy and strong.

Taking Care of Your Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are like any other teeth in your mouth and should be well-taken care of. Our dentist can help you know how to brush them properly to ensure they do not cause oral infections.
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